Simple Consultant

Our focus on your time lets you focus on your clients.

Almost Ready

I've spent a good many years of my professional career as a contractor working on an hourly basis. Even when working full-time, I had to track hours for projects so my employer could bill my company's clients. In that time, I've come to the realization tracking billable hours is a pain. It's cumbersome. So, I looked around for software options: none of the software tools did it in real time. Those that came close were still difficult to use and hardly unobtrusive.

With the advent of the iPhone a lot of time keeping apps sprung up which were better, but still not as easy as I thought they could be. This inspired my first app: a timekeeper. Each succeeding iteration got better and more focused in scope. With the advent of the Apple Watch and its close integration with an iPhone, I saw the ideal realization of my vision: putting the time tracking on my wrist. This app does that.

It uses the Apple Watch to put manual entry of your time tracking on your wrist where it's easily accessed and yet out of the way when you don't need it.

Additionally, when you track time based upon your location, say when you work at a client site, it can automatically track your time using the phone's GPS abilities to record how long you’re there.

I hope you enjoy the app. I use it personally and so I'm always considering ways to make it even more useful.

After months of development and testing, it’s just about ready for release. If you’d like to try it out using Apple’s TestFlight process, here’s the
link to get started.

Ken Cluff